Isabelle à reçu un message d'Anthony a faire passer sur les blogs et site Internet afin qu'un maximum de gens puissent le lire, le voici transcrit ci dessous. (version manuscrite d'Anthony ICI )
"A message from Anthony Fletcher
The truth crushed to the earth will rise again
It has been a long, arduous road, over 17 years since to truth was crushed to the earth in my case.
The truth has finally risen !
On february, 26, 2004, I received a new trial, in the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia, from the honorable John M. Younge, whom then turned his back on the very new trial that he granted me for his own political gain of running for the office to a higher Court by refusing to stand by his new trial ruling, but allowed our state Supreme Court to take back my new trial, Juny, 07.
Over these many years, it has been a hard fight to expose the truth and bring the truth to light. Like a true champion, I have gone every round, toe-to-toe, never giving up. In the 11th round, I have took my first knock down in the Fourts of injustice on Dec, 28,09. My PCRA appeal was denied and I am told that my death warrant would be signed by our governor with in 90 days for execution date to be set !!!
It's no different from any other fight, I could not have done it alone. I had a great team that believed in me and have stood by me, through every round, even when it looked like I was down for the count. To those loyal friends and family that continue to believe in me, God bless you, and I love you all.
Thanks for writing, and thanks for caring, and thank you for allowing me to know that special part of your inner souls. Thanks fr your support in love,. Without you all in my corner, I would have been KO.
Although the rounds have stopped for the moment, the fight is not totally over. The Philadelphia D.A. have won this round to over turn judge Younge decision. Like a beat down club fighter, they will continue to swing at the air. We have to stand firm in our faith, chin tucked in, hands up. This last round is crucial and we need all the strength and support that we can muster to come out on top still the "Champ". We need to raise our voice's and we need to insure a swift Victory by knockout when we go back in Court with the bet lawyer / lawyers we can get so the D.A. cannot crush the truth this time !
Your love, faith, and support can stop this upcoming execution from being carried out !
We need to raise what we can to bring in our own experts to fight all the false testimonial evidence that was presented at my trial.
The fight continues and it will be long and hard fought. I am praying that you all will continue to believe in me and have faith that the truth will set me free ! With love, faith and many, many prayers...
This is a horror story because you can't read this carefully documented accounts and not wonder how many innocent men and women remain on death row or in a cemetery plots, and how many others might never get a chance to prove their innocence because of overzealour prosecutors struggling to maintain their "wins" despite strong exculpatory evidence proving innocences.
It's a horror story because many of these injustices can be shown to result not from innocent error but from the deliberate lies of experts witnesses !
All contributions to support Anthony Fletcher can be sent directly to :
Anthony Fletcher, Jr.
1313 S. 49th street
Philadelphia, PA 19143
Anthony would love to hear directly from all of his supporters at :
Anthony Fletcher # CA 1706
175 Progress Dr.
Waynesburg, PA 15370
No donation is too small ! "